Welcome to the 2025 Sequoia Softball Season, and Thank you for volunteering!

The following information is what is needed to be a volunteer both legally and safely for the 2024 Season. We take the safety of the girls in our league and compliance with California law seriously and ask that you please do, too.  To volunteer in full compliance, please complete the following:

  1. Please ensure that we have the correct spelling of your name, email, and phone number. Then, email that to SequoiaYouthSoftball@gmail.com and confirm your volunteer role(s) in that email.
  2. All volunteers need to complete the JDP background check through Little League International. You will receive an email from JDP, a third-party provider who runs the background checks for LLI. This allows us NOT to collect paperwork with your SSN and DOB!
  3. All volunteers that will be putting in at least 32 hours during 2025 (including all Managers, Coaches, etc.) need to have a LiveScan as required by State Law (once submitted you do NOT need to do this for future years). We will email you this form, you can take it to the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office on Akers to complete the scan. They advise having an appointment, but they do allow walk-ins. The current fee is $29.00 (we are working on identifying a Sponsor who may help cover these costs, so please save your receipt).  

4. CA law also requires that all volunteer’s complete child abuse and neglect training.

  • Training by CA Dept of Social Services. (2 hours). This is free of charge and then just download and email in the completion certificate (if you already took just download certificate): www.mandatedreporterca.com/training/volunteers.


  • Abuse Awareness for Adults provided by USA Baseball.  Free training (45-60 minutes) www.usabdevelops.com/page/4824/education . Select “Courses” create a profile and then complete the “Abuse Awareness for Adults” download your completion certificate and email in. (For League just select the generic “Little League”)

* CA law requires TWO persons who have completed both a LiveScan (#3) and child abuse/ neglect reporting training (#4) to be present when conducting any activities with youth.  

All managers and coaches are also required to complete the following trainings and submit their certificates of completion.

  • CDC Concussion Training (30 minutes) free of charge and download a completion certificate.  Other volunteers can do this as well, but it is not required. www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/coach.html   
  • California Law requires all school and community youth sports coaches and administrators to complete Sudden Cardiac Arrest Safety Training (20 minutes). This is free of charge and download a completion certificate.  Other volunteers can do this as well, but it is not required. www.epsavealife.org/sca-prevention-training/
  • Abuse Awareness for Adults provided by USA Baseball.  Free training (45-60 minutes) www.usabdevelops.com/page/4824/education. Select “Courses” create a profile and then complete the “Abuse Awareness for Adults” download your completion certificate and email in. (For League just select the generic “Little League”)

Recommended for coaches: www.littleleague.org/diamondleader Little League has a extensive training portal.  All All-Star coaches MUST have this training.

The above steps are required to keep us in full in compliance with both Little League International and California law.  You can read more about a Parent’s Guide to the Little League Child Protection Programs here:

Pursuant to California State Law, Article 3 (commencing with Section 11100) of Chapter 1 of Title 1 of Part 4 of the Penal Code, criminal history information is used internally.  Confidential criminal history information is not disclosed to the public.